Tagged: Baruti Kafele

No One Told Us How to Be Assistant Principals

Educational leadership classes are great for the principalship. Not so much for the job of assistant principal. AP DeAnna Miller shares helpful advice she has found on her own in the books of Baruti Kafele (values and beliefs) and Ryan Donlan (day-to-day management and more).

My AP Life: A New Blog for Emerging School Leaders

Assistant principals “feel so limited in what we can do or say that it often seems we have no voice at all,” writes DeAnna Miller. Yet if APs use this time to analyze their “why” and learn what they want to be as principals, they can find the courage to become change-makers.

A Checklist for New & Aspiring Principals

Matt Renwick recommends The Principal 50 by Baruti Kafele to principals and AP’s just transitioning from the classroom to the front office. The book’s 50 topics range from a leader’s attitude to school culture, instructional leadership, accountability and more.