Tagged: classroom management

Sorting Teacher Bias and “High Expectations”

“High expectations” shouldn’t be about teaching obedience or expecting cookie-cutter work from all students. Middle school educator Cheryl Mizerny offers her take on teacher attitudes and practices that help or hinder student efforts to achieve their very best.

101 Tips for New Teachers and Veterans

In the 3rd edition of “101 Answers for New Teachers and Their Mentors,” Annette Breaux adds ideas for using tech in lessons, connecting via social media, and reflecting regularly. “Practical and easy to use” by all teachers, says PD consultant Anne Anderson.

3 Organizing Tips for a Great School Year

Author and former middle level school leader Frank Buck spends his professional life helping fellow educators manage themselves and their work in ways that maximize performance and benefit students. Buck shares three practical ideas to organize the new school year.

A How-to Book on Social Emotional Learning

Helping students build intrinsic motivation is at the center of Larry Ferlazzo’s Building a Community of Self-Motivated Learners, says reviewer Joanne Bell. The book “is peppered with tons of helpful websites, references and technology ideas that I can’t wait to use.”

Intrinsic Motivation Helps Learners Thrive

Helping students build intrinsic motivation is at the center of Larry Ferlazzo’s Building a Community of Self-Motivated Learners, says reviewer Laura Von Staden. Topics include classroom management, sparking interest in ELA, transfer of skills, and healthy lifestyle.

Three Questions New Teachers Always Ask

We asked teaching consultant Annette Breaux to write about three of the most pressing questions new teachers have in the weeks (and months) before they open their classroom doors to students for the first time. Here’s her advice on discipline, classroom management, and daily procedures.

Quick Solutions to 60 Common Challenges

Using a “If this happens – try this” format, Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker provide 60 “Quick Answers for Busy Teachers.” Reviewer Laura Von Staden says new teachers and vets can benefit. Using downloadable slides, the content can easily supplement PD.

5 Ways to Make Kids Hate Your Class

Veteran educator Cheryl Mizerny is surrounded by committed teachers, but she knows that even the most well-intentioned can fall into bad habits that may make some students dread coming to their class. She shares the warning signs of five problem behaviors.

How Dialogue Circles Promote Student Growth

Dialogue circles can facilitate brain function and help “increase generosity, trust, intrinsic motivation, social connection, and cooperation so students can work together for a common purpose,” writes inner-city middle school principal David Palank.

Guilty of Ineffective Classroom Management?

In this brisk book in ASCD’s Arias series, Jane Bluestein reviews 7 popular classroom management practices that don’t work and then offers teacher behaviors that can build a positive learning environment. Reviewer Angie Grimes finds the 43-page book “short, sweet, and to the point.”