Tagged: Corwin

Strengthen Instructional Leadership Teams

We cannot continue to subject students to practices that are clearly not working. In Collective Leader Efficacy, former principal Peter M. DeWitt shows how to move forward in a team effort, empowering educators to center on students, writes district HR leader Brian Taylor.

The Essential Traits of School Leader Credibility

Fisher and Frey’s “Leader Credibility” provides a roadmap to strengthening leadership skills. It outlines traits of those who engage, inspire and transform and offers guidance on the essentials of trust, competence, dynamism, forward thinking and more, says Cathy Gassenheimer.

How Can We Create a Dynamic Classroom?

Serena Pariser and Victoria Lentfer answer teachers’ questions about how best to establish dynamic classrooms, offering practical ways to build routines, minimize off-task behaviors, and engage students in truly meaningful ways. A great resource, says NBCT Kathie Palmieri.

Using Mentor Texts to Integrate Teaching Goals

Pamela Koutrakos’ example-filled “Mentor Texts That Multitask” shows teachers how to design lessons that meet multiple instructional priorities. Sherry Liptak found it to be “a great fit for my professional bookshelf – though I think it will spend more time in my hands!”

A Deep Dive into How Learning Works

In How Learning Works: A Playbook education researchers John Almarode, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey offer teaching and learning strategies that can help students grow into independent learners. Education consultant Anne Anderson shares some highlights from her deep dive.

Answers to Questions Reading Teachers Ask

Christina Nosek, a teacher and literacy staff developer, engages readers with a collection of important concepts with answered questions on the foundation of the reading classroom. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton says the easy read is great for a summer professional reading stack.

Multitasking Mentor Texts for Integrated Literacy

Discover how mentor texts and text sets become multitaskers, providing vision, purpose, and the confidence students need to take learning risks. ELA consultant Anne Anderson highly recommends Pamela Koutrakos’ Mentor Texts That Multitask as a tool for literacy integration.

Lead Like a COACH on Your Instructional Walks

Any educator who leads in schools will find principal Matt Renwick’s Leading like a C.O.A.C.H. grounded in real boots-on-the-ground work and loaded with opportunities to reflect on and improve leadership practices. Instructional Walks are key, writes school leader Rita Platt.

A Captivating Dive into Student Self-Motivation

The new edition of Debbie Silver’s Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8 is an essential handbook for adults who want to help kids become committed, continuous learners. NBCT Kathie Palmieri finds the book’s attention to self-motivation, ZPD and growth mindset particularly helpful. Highly recommended.