Tagged: creativity

Grading Smarter Not Harder Is Liberating

Myron Dueck’s new book, Grading Smarter Not Harder, not only explains what fair assessment is but provides the teacher with student friendly strategies to achieve it. Reviewer Joanne Fuchs says the book is “the map for your assessment journey” and provides lots of useful details!

Meet Writing Challenges in All Content Areas

With Common Core discussions as a sturdy frame, Heather Wolpert-Gawron provides solid commentary about how writing and literacy relate to all curriculum areas, says reviewer Kathleen Pham. Central to the sample lessons: project based learning.

The Arts Effect: How STEM Becomes STEAM

For consultant Ruth Catchen, a good STEAM program addresses all the skills related to Arts & STEM subjects to make students career and college-ready. “Use cross-curricular experiences, deep content, and real world activities to maximize learning.”