Tagged: debate

Teach Dialogue Skills to Rebuild Our Democracy

Civics advocate Shawn McCusker doesn’t agree with a noted professor’s premise that there’s no hope for democracy, but “I do agree that our failure to prepare our citizens for the responsibilities of democracy is an existential crisis.” Learn what he urges educators to do.

An Activity to Help Kids Learn Civil Discourse

Middle schoolers are “notorious sponges” who soak up the emotional energy around them, says teacher Elyse Scott. In the wake of a divisive election, she recommends an activity that can help kids build collaborative skills, empathy and acceptance of other viewpoints.

Socratic Seminars in the Middle

Learn how Socratic Seminars can help students develop effective habits of discussion, explain their ideas, and support them with evidence in this guest post by Sarah Tantillo, who provides a complete how-to with many resources!

Teaching Argument Writing

Teaching Argument Writing: Supporting Claims with Relevant Evidence and Clear Reasoning is not a portable guide, says reviewer Jaime Greene, but a book that “did help me begin to wrap my brain around what quality argument in the classroom sounds and looks like.”