Tagged: differentiation

Working Hard, Working Happy in the Classroom

Who needs Working Hard, Working Happy? Happy teachers! They will feel validated when they recognize many favorite practices. Unhappy teachers! They can nurture a culture of joy in their classrooms with the practical strategies Rita Platt offers, writes Anne Anderson.

Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classrooms

Gifted students are often the forgotten portion of the special education spectrum. To remedy the problem, gifted and special educator Laura Von Staden highly recommends this book full of valuable information and insight, written in a concise, user-friendly format.

3 Keys to Keeping the Rigor High for ELs

ELs are capable of doing the same kind of thinking that non-ELs can do. They might just have to temporarily show their understanding differently than their peers do. EL teacher Tan Huyhn shows how teachers can focus on the ELs’ thinking and differentiate everything else.

Cultivating a School Culture of Effort and Joy

Rita Platt’s Working Hard, Working Happy is a quick read, with many useful ideas about creating a learning culture in your classroom and school. Any teacher who wants students filled with joy and self-motivation needs to read this practical book, writes Kimberly Higgins.

Summer School Eighth Graders Actually Liked!

Teachers at Pioneer Middle School were weary of their traditional one-size-fits-all summer school requiring every student to take the same classes. Learn how they’ve redesigned the program for eighth graders around specific skills that better prepare them for high school.

Spelling Matters in Middle School, Too

Want to help middle school students improve their reading skills? Mark Weakland suggests providing direct and explicit spelling instruction. Emphasizing syllables – roots and affixes – offers lots of building blocks for students. Weakland includes differentiation tips and activity ideas.

Selecting Digital Tools for Literacy Coaching

Many books focus on effective literacy coaching, and others are specific to technology integration in education. Stephanie Affinito’s Literacy Coaching: Transforming Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools and Technology fills a gap by merging the two, writes Shannon Russell.

How to Teach Them All Without Sacrificing Rigor

Rather than approaching differentiation as “making it easier” for some, Barbara Blackburn suggests a strategy that assures lessons will be rigorous while also giving struggling students the supports they need. Her example involves an informational reading lesson.

Helping Visual-Spatial Learners Be Successful

In the 2nd edition of Visual-Spatial Learners, Alexandra Shires Golon looks at the needs of these often bright but disengaged students. Golon explains the brain science underlying student learning and offers extensive tools for differentiation, says teacher Joanne Bell.

Challenge Kids to Explore Probability and Statistics

Jerry Burkhart’s explorations challenge accelerated students with Common Core based math study while engaging other students with creative, and differentiated, problems to solve. Kathleen Palmieri notes the fully developed resources that support the explorations.