Tagged: effective feedback

Structure Feedback to Affirm Student Identity

When teachers effectively implement feedback to make success visible to students, achievement increases and stronger relationships result. Educator and author Miriam Plotinsky suggests having a clear, written set of expectations for assignments and avoiding the “feedback hole.“

‘What Do I Get If I Do It?’ The Cost of Rewards

Do rewards help kids learn better? Motivation expert Dr. Debbie Silver argues instead for the effective use of positive, constructive feedback as the best means for fostering creativity, active involvement and intrinsic motivation. Included: How to make feedback effective.

How We Can Make Peer Feedback Effective

To move from a classroom culture of grading to one of feedback, teachers first need to help students learn to critique each other in non-threatening ways. Popular author and 6th grade teacher Bill Ferriter suggests emphasizing observation, not evaluation.

The Eight Essentials of Good Student Feedback

Quality feedback – written and oral – is crucial for students to continuously improve their work. Author-consultant Barbara Blackburn summarizes eight characteristics of good feedback that she believes “are essential practices for effective teaching.”