Tagged: effective teaching

These Everyday Habits Increase Teaching Impact

Building small but mighty habits that we commit to without having to overthink what we’re doing is a far more effective and lasting approach to not just getting each day done and dusted, but to also retaining feelings of accomplishment and productivity, writes Miriam Plotinsky.

Carrying Forward Our Lessons About Teaching

Each educator braving the gauntlet of Covid-era teaching has been stressed and stretched to wits’ end. It’s time to collect the payoff from this strenuous work. Curtis Chandler relates 5 questions teachers asked themselves during the crisis. “If we begin the new school year with solid answers, we’ll be rewarded.”

Repairing Student and Co-Worker Relationships

Educators are going to make mistakes, write Todd Whitaker and teacher-daughters Madeline and Katherine. Whether it’s a misstep with students, friction with a colleague, or a faux pas with admin, quickly admitting faults is part of being a classroom professional.

12 Daily Touchstones Can Improve Our Teaching

Bryan Goodwin & Elizabeth Ross Hubbell make a compelling argument that teachers can improve their impact on student learning by using a “do-confirm” checklist based on 12 essential daily touchstones that represent current research on what works best. Pilots do!

How to Teach for Real Life Learning

Teaching experts Annette Breaux & Todd Whitaker are back with more teaching ideas from the 2nd edition of Seven Simple Secrets. This time it’s advice on keeping instruction real for today’s students. Read the classroom tales of Teacher A & Teacher B.

What an Effective Teacher’s Classroom Looks Like

Teaching experts Annette Breaux & Todd Whitaker contrast the typical characteristics of effective and ineffective classrooms using two simple but compelling bullet lists. Excerpted from the 2nd edition of their bestselling book Seven Simple Secrets with new teachers especially in mind.

Leading Teachers to Improve

Reviewer Anne Anderson finds You Don’t Have to Be Bad to Get Better: A Leader’s Guide to Improving Teacher Quality by Candi McKay a practical, easy-to-read handbook for school leaders who want to bolster student learning by helping teachers grow professionally.