Tagged: E/LA

Writing and Reading with 50 Mentor Texts

In “Text Structures From the Masters,” educators Gretchen Bernabei and Jennifer Koppe did the hard work for English and social studies teachers of grades 6–10 when they collected 50 quality, nonfiction mentor texts and created an easy-to-follow lesson structure for each one.

Literacy Learning Still Begins with Story

Katie Egan Cunningham stresses the importance of caring for our students’ stories even as we explore fiction and story-making with them. Reviewer Mary Langer Thompson highly recommends the book for its practical focus mixed with a philosophy beautifully expressed.

Engineering Language Arts to Excite MS Kids

In 112 pages, Elyse S. Scott shares how she engineered (designed and created) lessons to achieve the learning goals for her 8th graders. The ELA activities and projects she shares are sure to produce readers, writers, and thinkers, says reviewer Anne Anderson.

Bring Story to the Center of Literacy Learning

Throughout her book “Story” Katie Egan Cunningham shows how stories remain at the center of literacy learning, says teacher-reviewer Linda Biondi, touching the lives of all children and blending seamlessly into curriculum standards.

How to Teach Memoir in the Middle Grades

Educators may be reluctant to try memoir writing with middle grades students, but the rewards are considerable, says 8th grade teacher-author Jake Wizner. He shares three insights that can help guide teachers as they enrich the student writing experience.

Gallagher: Staying True to What Works in ELA

Teachers will see the standards movement differently after finishing Kelly Gallagher’s “In The Best Interest of Students.” Reviewer Beth Morrow expects readers will have a renewed passion for making a difference in students’ lives with best ELA practices.

Comics Can Enliven Learning across Content

The tagline for “Reading with Pictures” says it all (with maybe a bit of genre hyperbole): “Comics that make kids smarter!” Teacher Kevin Hodgson recommends the cross curricular graphic story collection curated by Josh Elder and its free 146-pp study guide.