Tagged: English Language Learners
“Since many students are in my class multiple times,” writes ELL teacher Wendi Pillars, “I’m always seeking new topics to tie literacy skills together.” This year one theme was “Zero Hunger” through sustainable agriculture. A perfect hook for a unit on eating insects.
Today, 75% of U.S. classrooms have English Language Learners. So the question isn’t whether teachers will be working with ELL students, but what can we do to help them be successful. Teacher educator Curtis Chandler shares some great online tools to help ELLs learn.
Writing comes alive in Paula Bourque’s book “Close Writing: Developing Purposeful Writers.” Bourque supports her strategies for engaging youngsters in writing, revising and editing with classroom stories, study guides, and videos, says teacher Linda Biondi.
What considerations do teachers of English Language Learners need to keep in mind as they help students “close read” complex texts and meet Common Core standards? Veteran ELL teachers Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull Sypnieski share ideas from their classrooms.
Pauline Gibbons discusses ELL issues in each of the four essential areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing in separate chapters, weaving implications from relevant research about second language learning throughout, says reviewer Glenda Moyer.
The authors of Interactive Notebooks & English Language Learners offer convincing evidence that interactive notebooks can provide ELLs with the academic scaffolding needed to actively participate in classroom activities, says reviewer Elisa Waingort.
Classroom Instruction that Works with English Language Learners by Jane E. Hill and Kirsten B. Miller is valuable for ensuring that English learners are challenged at Bloom’s higher levels of thinking and understanding, with the appropriate scaffolding, says reviewer Jennifer Underwood.
Teachers will find helpful discussions of CCSS listening & speaking standards & the CALL tool. Reading & writing are missing.
Sandra Wilde shares her reading expertise in straightforward, sound ways that will benefit all, students and educators alike, says reviewer Dr. Mary Long.
Katie Hull Sypnieski, co-author of The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide, shares some do’s & don’ts for all teachers with ELL students. A MIddleWeb interview.