Tagged: eye on education

Evidence-Based Science Activities (Grades 3-5)

Evidenced-Based Science Activities is an easy read and might be useful in changing classroom science instruction. Science leader Kathy Renfrew finds some excellent points in the book, including valuable and meaningful research, but notes there is newer research available.

Elements of Education for Every Educator

The Elements of Education for Teachers offers 100 pages jam-packed with easily accessible, well vetted pedagogies and practices. Each of the 50 elements is presented in a crisp two-page format. Teacher Diane Kaplan has selected several strategies to implement right away.

How to Inspire and Connect with Your Staff

Throughout Putting Teachers First, Brad Johnson supports his strong belief that a positive relationship between leader and teacher is essential in successful schools. He shares a myriad of ways to make that relationship happen, writes international ed leader Brad Latzke.

Working Hard, Working Happy in the Classroom

Who needs Working Hard, Working Happy? Happy teachers! They will feel validated when they recognize many favorite practices. Unhappy teachers! They can nurture a culture of joy in their classrooms with the practical strategies Rita Platt offers, writes Anne Anderson.

Content Area Literacy Strategies That Work

Jordan Walker-Reyes recommends Lori Wilfong’s Content Area Literacy Strategies That Work to all literacy coaches and facilitators, ESL teachers, and content area teachers who want to grow students’ content area knowledge while also increasing their literacy skills.

Guiding Risk-Taking to Build Creativity

A.J. Juliani discusses the way we learn, how brain connections are changing in our “connected” world, and how we can be intentional with our innovation to help students become risk takers and bring creativity to their learning, writes teacher leader Laura Von Staden.

Month by Month Activities to Teach Media Literacy

Close Reading the Media is an incredible resource for middle or high school humanities teachers teaching students how to think critically about the media, writes teacher Stephanie Leary, noting it is packed with informative, fun, and thought-provoking topics and ideas.

56 Essential Truths for Effective Teaching

Danny Steele and Todd Whitaker have done an impressive job recognizing and explaining 56 Essential Truths to help teachers be the best they can be for students, writes school leader Doug Dunn. The 99-page book works as a quick read or a source for daily inspiration.