Tagged: feedback

Helpful Teaching Tips for a Hybrid Model

In her 2nd month of hybrid teaching, Kasey Short is still adapting day by day through trial and error. She’s learned a lot, as you’ll see in this detailed look at her virtual/in-person blending, digital organization, communication, collaboration and feedback – with tips for each!

The Art and Science of Teaching Art and Music

Robert Marzano and two colleagues have developed what will surely become the go-to resource for planning, designing, implementing, and assessing teaching art and music, using Marzano’s New Art and Science of Teaching framework, writes curriculum coordinator Alex Valencic.

Delivering Actionable Feedback to Students

Discover how to create actionable feedback for your students and teach them true self-assessment as you transform your role from evaluator to coach. Teacher leader Laura Von Staden “definitely” recommends this step-by-step guide to shifting from a focus on scores and grades to a focus on learning and mastery.

Conferring: A Powerful Tool Across Disciplines

Unlike quick teacher check-ins, teaching conferences allow for a deep conversation with a student in just 5 or 6 minutes. And they’re not just for ELA teachers and balanced literacy. Katie McGrath shares step by step conferring tips to target learning in any content area.

Give Kids Focused, Fast and Effective Feedback

When it comes giving students feedback, our approach can be formal or informal, low-tech or high-tech, writes teacher educator Curtis Chandler. The important thing is that we are constantly observing and offering guidance. As always, Curtis shares lots of practical tips.

Think “Makerspace!” for Your Grammar Studies

When we plunge into interactive learning, we get curious, look closely, ask questions, hypothesize, jot, mimic, create, play, discover, and draw conclusions. Grammar study with a makerspace mindset can build all these things in, says literacy consultant Patty McGee.

A Tool-Rich Guide to Formative Assessment

This guide is a great tool for any educator, school district, or higher education institution, writes Dr. Charice Hayes. The book involves the reader in defining effective ongoing assessment and includes tools to observe how other colleagues use formative assessment.

What Students Learn From Being the Teacher

Reciprocal teaching (RT) helps students deepen their learning by teaching other students. Curtis Chandler shows how kiddos can tackle new texts and concepts by developing their ability to apply cognitive and metacognitive strategies. He includes helpful videos and online tools.