Tagged: feedback

Making Your Learning Walks More Meaningful

Consultant Suzy Pepper Rollins loves dogs and ponies, but she’s not eager to see them in the classroom. Here she shares tips that will help principals, coaches and others who do “Learning Walks” set the stage for authentic observations of student and teacher work.

Teaching Writing in MS: A Plan for the New Teacher

Anna Roseboro’s Teaching Writing in the Middle School can serve as a practical handbook to support the work of beginning English Language Arts teachers. Literacy coach Cynthia McKenzie says those new teachers will find many helpful ideas in the year-long guide.

Energize Your Classroom with Quality Questions

Quality questions are the “bait” that can hook students into deeper discussions and learning that sticks. Questioning expert Jackie Walsh shares a pair of videos and several templates that will help teachers plan a questioning process that pulls all students in.

7 Elements of Effective Leadership in Education

Douglas Reeves advocates 7 interdependent elements of leadership – purpose, trust, focus, leverage, feedback, change, and sustainability – to change schools for the better. Coach Rita Platt will revisit the elements throughout the year to spark more reflection.

Helping Kids Grow Positive Mindsets

While Mindsets for Parents seems geared towards parents, anyone who works with or interacts regularly with children will find this book helpful, says math coach Lori Hochstetler. Opportunities for reflection plus concrete examples fill the book.

Using Global Feedback to Build Growth Mindset

Can supportive feedback from a diverse internet audience help students grasp the benefits of a growth mindset? History teacher Tim Kramer believes the answer is yes, after weighing his 6th graders’ work during a project-driven, tech-infused Ancient Egypt unit.

Engaging Students: From Seatwork to Feetwork

Learning needs to become active and stay that way. Ron Nash’s 2nd edition of “From Seatwork to Feetwork” explains how teachers can let go of traditional teaching methods and shift to student-directed classrooms, says educator and writer Mary Langer Thompson.

How to Help Students Own Their Learning

Every time Elisa Waingort opens Leaders of Their Own Learning, she finds another simple but brilliant suggestion to improve her teaching and the learning of her students. She recommends repeated reading of this fully resourced guide to student-driven learning and assessment.