Tagged: flexibility

3 Ways to Relieve Back to School ‘Overwhelm’

In Julie Hasson’s annual back to school dream, she’s trying to organize thousands of rubber ducks in a rushing river. Fortunately she has strategies for dealing with that sense of being overwhelmed. They begin with a well-sorted to-do list and a focus on realistic optimism.

Lessons Learned from Gifted Neurodiverse Kids

Teachers become more effective when they embrace learning for all kinds of kids, including those who are both profoundly gifted and neurodiverse. Teaching coach Stephanie Farley shares ways to use choice, positive emotion, and novelty to engage and challenge every learner.

3 Top Take-Aways from Our Exploration of GRR

Letting go is messy! As Sunday Cummins and Julie Webb wrap up a 10-part exploration of the gradual release of responsibility, they encourage teachers to ensure kids participate actively in every phase of GRR, as we observe them closely, remain nimble, and practice flexibility.

Trauma-Informed Schools to Support All Students

In Equity-Centered Trauma-Informed Education, Alex Shevrin Venet has written not only to inform us but also to call us to reflect and take action, writes middle school leader Bill Ivey, who anticipates readers will evaluate their practices to find areas for improvement.

Find Out Where Your Learners Are Now

Using the case of Grade 7 teacher ‘Mr. Thomas,’ teacher educator Curtis Chandler walks us through a 3-point strategy that can help teachers detect what kids know, what they missed last spring, and what’s most urgent to learn now. Written with new and veteran teachers in mind!

Designing Classrooms for Flexible Learning

The limitations of funding, square footage, and time can make classroom design a daunting task, writes reviewer Eileen Hornbostel. To meet those challenges, Jessica Martin offers Strategic Classroom Design, a detailed guide to creating effective learning environments.

“It’s Like Having Coffee with a Master Teacher”

Leafing through Regie Routman’s Literacy Essentials feels not so much like reading a book as like talking with a master teacher, or maybe wading in and out of a calm ocean, writes teacher Sarah Cooper, who finds it a compendium of wisdom about teaching and about life.