Tagged: gifted education

Coaching That Builds GT Teacher Capacity

Coaching in Gifted Education by Emily Mofield and Vicki Phelps is a rich resource for educators looking for ways to meet the needs of exceptional learners. The authors are the partners GT coaches need to be the partners that classroom teachers need, writes NBCT Kim Rensch.

Mapping Out Diverse Gifted Programs

For educators who want to create culturally, linguistically sustaining gifted education policies and practices, Robin M. Greene and Michelle Pacheco Dubois offer a roadmap for change in their new book. Teacher Katie Galayda notes the book can be extended beyond gifted classes.

Help Underrepresented Gifted Students Succeed

Editors Davis and Douglas have organized a valuable research-based collection of articles by field-based practitioners of gifted education, writes teacher Erin Corrigan-Smith. A major focus: instructional methods that address the under-representation of minority and twice-exceptional students.

Strength-Based Goal Setting for Gifted Kids

Phelps and Lewis offer a comprehensive guide to setting goals, delineating a process that is sure to be impactful for gifted learners. Specialists working with 2E or underachieving students will appreciate the strengths-first framing, writes gifted education leader Kim Rensch.

Achieving Equity in Gifted Programming

April Wells tackles inequity in gifted education by sharing the story of an urban district that redesigned its gifted programs and took aggressive steps to remedy the lack of racial, economic and language diversity. Teacher educator Sarah Pennington finds the book timely.

Your First Year Teaching Gifted Learners

Kari Lockhart’s What to Expect When You’re Expected to Teach Gifted Students touches on two key elements: how to identify gifted students and how to work with their parents. Kolby Wagner expects to find the author’s strategies for co-teaching and parent engagement helpful.

Serving Gifted Students from Special Populations

Building on case studies of 11 gifted students in special populations, the authors provide resources to help all educators understand how to best serve gifted students who also have other special needs. Reviewer Pamela Shaw is a parent of two twice-exceptional kids.