Tagged: hands on learning

Using Active Learning with Middle Schoolers

When asked to help implement health/biology curriculum, the authors decided to focus on active learning strategies that succeeded in exciting and engaging the adolescent girls in their classes. They conclude that well-designed hands-on learning is worth the extra time and effort.

Maker Schools: Classroom Tinkers & Inventors

The authors of “Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom” share an exciting guest post at Anne Jolly’s STEM Imagineering blog. The tools and ethos of the maker revolution offer insight and hope for middle schools and for science and math studies, they say. “The breadth of options and the ‘can-do’ attitude is exactly what students need.”

The Why and How of STEM

How to turn science, tech, engineering & math into problem- & project-based activities that simulate real-world R&D? Find the basics & the practice here.

Family Science Night Fun

Reviewer Catharine Pierce says the well organized fun found in Shelley S. Connell’s Family Science Night: Fun Tips, Activities, and Ideas can enrich after-school clubs and classroom teaching.