Tagged: Heinemann

How We Can Become Better Writing Teachers

Anderson and Glover have authored a helpful, easy-to-follow book, writes veteran teacher Elisa Waingort-Jiménez. Their eight strategies center on specific craft and genre moves that will help teachers become better writers as they help students develop their own skills.

A Collaborative Math Classroom that Works

Elisa Waingort-Jiménez strongly recommends The Collaborative Math Classroom with its many tools as a must-read for all teachers, coaches, interventionists and others interested in creating and supporting spaces for authentic math learning experiences for all ages and grade levels.

Language and Literacy for Multilingual Learners

Andrea Honigsfeld seamlessly integrates theory with real-world classroom scenarios in Growing Language and Literacy. Her emphasis on differentiated instruction benefits the book’s audience: teachers of multilingual learners. Helpful to veteran and new teachers alike.

100-Word Stories to Support SLIFE Literacy

100-Word Stories is a valuable resource, providing a structured yet flexible framework that serves as a tool to enrich language instruction and a catalyst for exploration and creative expression in the classroom. It will be especially valuable to her SLIFE learners, writes Melinda Stewart.

Reach Past the Timeline with Thematic History

In Teaching Beyond the Timeline, China Harvey and Lisa Herzig show how to make history more relevant, exciting and connected to the present by using thematic history that integrates chronology. Sarah Cooper enthusiastically recommends sharing the book and its friendly intricacy.

Using 100-Word Stories for Expansive Writing

100-Word Stories: A Short Form for Expansive Writing by Kim Culbertson and Grant Faulkner is a wonderful resource for teaching with micro texts and for helping students in levels 5-12 develop both writing and reading mastery, writes middle school ELA teacher Erin Corrigan-Smith.

The Democratic Roots Essential to Literacy

In Literacy’s Democratic Roots: A Personal Tour Through 8 Big Ideas, Thomas Newkirk brings his enormous experience and wisdom from writing and teaching over many decades to his exploration of the connections between literacy education and democracy, writes Laurie Miller Hornik.

The Reading Strategies Book Gets an Update

The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 takes a great first edition and makes it even better, says literacy coach Pam Hamilton, noting Jennifer Serravallo’s contention that reading strategies are important across K-12. “This book should be in the hands of every teacher of reading.”

An Enhanced Edition of ‘When Kids Can’t Read’

Literacy coach Pam Hamilton finds lots to like in Kylene Beers’ latest version of When Kids Can’t Read – What Teachers Can Do. The second edition keeps some of her favorite features from the original and adds many new kid-tested ideas to help teachers reach all their students.