Tagged: Kasey Short

Helpful Teaching Tips for a Hybrid Model

In her 2nd month of hybrid teaching, Kasey Short is still adapting day by day through trial and error. She’s learned a lot, as you’ll see in this detailed look at her virtual/in-person blending, digital organization, communication, collaboration and feedback – with tips for each!

Sharing the Joy of Reading with Students

To motivate students to embrace independent reading, Kasey Short recommends we help them find the right books, use authentic assignments for accountability, and provide the time to read – all to help build a classroom climate where reading is valued, enjoyed and celebrated.

Students Write Better for Authentic Audiences

Writing for authentic audiences motivates students to do their best work, says English department chair Kasey Short. Public audiences offer a practical reason to revise and edit and allow students’ ideas to have real impact. See her tips to transform routine assignments.