Tagged: Katie Hull Sypnieski
ENL teacher Dina Strasser completes her review of The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide (2nd Ed) by Ferlazzo and Sypnieski and concludes that making full use of this “eminently practical” book will demonstrably strengthen novice and expert teachers’ work with ELL students.
In The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide (2nd Edition) teacher-authors Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull Sypnieski provide an accessible compendium of deep practical knowledge intended for the most part for MS and HS ELLs and teachers, writes ENL educator Dina Strasser.
When teaching ELLs using a culturally responsive-sustaining pedagogy, write Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull-Sypnieski, centering student voice is critical to creating the conditions for student success. The teacher asks for, listens to, and acts on student ideas and feedback.
Culturally responsive and sustaining teaching needs to underlie and guide all our classroom practices, write Ferlazzo and Sypnieski. When we validate the cultural learning tools that diverse learners bring, we can leverage them to produce positive outcomes for all students.
Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Sypnieski often ask their ELL students to make short oral presentations to a group or a partner “because it is more practical, time efficient, and energizing for students.” The four ideas shared here are easily adapted to any class or subject.
The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox is all meat with 400+ pages of teaching tactics, techniques, and methods, organized for use by ELL teachers and their colleagues across content areas. Educator Rita Platt says the book’s high impact strategies are perfect for summer PD.
Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Sypnieski provide ELL students the chance to read high-interest books independently. Literary conversations help ELLs interact with the texts, creating a classroom culture of shared literacy. The co-authors share six creative activities.
Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull-Sypnieski’s guide to implementing the common core with ELLs is a comprehensive “incredibly user-friendly” resource that projects care and respect for teachers, students, and the education profession as a whole, says teacher Rita Platt.
What considerations do teachers of English Language Learners need to keep in mind as they help students “close read” complex texts and meet Common Core standards? Veteran ELL teachers Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull Sypnieski share ideas from their classrooms.