Tagged: leadership

Teaching Perspective with “Lord of the Flies”

Lord of the Flies by William Golding remains a riveting, relevant book for middle school because of its themes of survival, power, and leadership. Laurie Hornik’s PBL unit also teaches students to appreciate and practice multiple perspectives and be open to changing their minds.

4 Books Worth the Time of New School Leaders

“I read professional books like movie critics watch films: with a critical lens and respect for my time,” writes veteran principal Matt Renwick. “If I am going to dedicate hours to a text that is supposed to help me improve as an educational leader, it needs to deliver.”

Wellness? Productivity? Meet While You Walk!

Walking meetings are not only a good wellness strategy, they’re great for brain-storming, problem-solving and increasing productivity, writes teacher and school leader Kasey Short. The change in scenery, relaxed atmosphere and movement can be like a “reboot” for body and mind.

Leadership Tips for Summer Collaboration

Summer is not only a chance to relax and recharge but a great time to collaborate with colleagues, writes consultant Elisa B. MacDonald. Whether you are leading a retreat or planning with grade-level teammates, keep these four intentions at the center of your facilitation.

Sustaining a Leadership Mindset in the AP Role

Where can assistant principals turn when they need to find encouragement and renewal in one of education’s toughest jobs? Veteran AP DeAnna Miller has found ways to strengthen her confidence and optimism as a leader through online communities and authors like Baruti Kafele.

Team Leader Moves That Impact Adult Learning

Intentional Moves: How Skillful Team Leaders Impact Learning is a treasure for any educator who coaches, is a team leader, an administrator or spends a significant amount of their time working with professional colleagues, writes adult learning consultant Cathy Gassenheimer.

3 Leadership Moves Help Grow Mutual Respect

To help combat negative perceptions that can surround administration, DeAnna Miller offers three ways school leaders can cultivate mutual respect among staff: (1) offering meaningful feedback; (2) being highly visible; and (3) not being led astray by the Good Idea Fairy.

Meeting Objections in Your School Community

Responding to uncompromising resistance to change is always a challenge. Wise school leaders are inclusive in the planning stage, share information with everyone involved, and have a well-considered implementation plan. Williamson and Blackburn examine four kinds of objection.

Aligning How You Lead with Who You Are

Engaging with What’s Your Leadership Story? by Gretchen Oltman and Vicki Bautista will help leaders – especially newer ones – articulate their purpose and bring their whole selves to school each day. School leader Sarah Cooper appreciates the book’s practical honesty.