Tagged: learning

What School Should Really Be About

It remains unclear to Mary Tarashuk how rampant standardized testing is actually helping her fourth graders become successful and enthusiastic learners. As she prepares for her own evaluation, Mary shares pushback from parents, students, and HBO’s John Oliver.

Can Games Really Make Kids Smarter?

In sharing his own journey through the world of educational gaming, former teacher and USA Today reporter Greg Toppo helps readers consider both the potential and the possible pitfalls of game-enhanced learning, says sixth grade teacher Kevin Hodgson.

PAIRing with Parents to Improve Student Learning

Want to improve relationships between families and school? Teachers benefit when learning is reinforced and supported from home. Consultant Barbara Blackburn has tips on how to PAIR with parents and avoid school-side mistakes that weaken engagement.

How Leadership Impacts Learning

Linking Leadership to Student Learning draws on a major US study to reveal how school leaders actually impact student achievement, says reviewer Holly Procida. Key finding: Collaborative leadership has more impact than individual leadership.