Tagged: lesson planning

Put Some Bang at the Beginning of Lessons

How we start lessons makes a huge difference in learning during the remainder of our class instruction time. Teaching consultant and author Barbara Blackburn shares strategies to employ three keys to beginning lessons with a bang: focus, activation, and excitement.

The 5 Best Times to Use Technology in Class

Much of the ISTE discussion this year focused on the best ways to use technology effectively, says MS teacher and tech enthusiast Patti Grayson. To celebrate, Grayson offers 5 examples from her own classroom of the best times to bring out the digital tools.

Before You Lead That STEM Lesson…

The new school year is on the horizon and STEM teachers are going to be caught up in the whirlwind of preparation before Day One. As you prepare to engage students in exciting STEM lessons, Anne Jolly offers 5 lesson principles to keep in the forefront.

How to Create an Effective Teaching Plan

The most effective teachers know that if you want to have a great lesson, you need to plan a great lesson, say experts Todd Whitaker and Annette Breaux. Novice teachers will appreciate their handy planning checklist. Bonus download: How to overplan!