Tagged: literacy

Assistive Technology in Special Education

In the 3rd edition of Assistive Technology in Special Education, author Joan Green helps readers navigate the complex topic with a straight forward, organized approach to understanding and effectively implementing AT. Green’s handbook is the resource Carol Willard has long sought.

Literacy and Learning Centers for the Big Kids

Thanks to Literacy and Learning Centers for the Big Kids, secondary teachers across the content areas won’t need to tweak elementary guides and hope things work with older kids. Instructional coach Janice Rustico finds the start-to-finish help just what her teachers need.

Lessons to Power Up Your Super Spellers

In his latest book, Super Spellers Starter Sets, Mark Weakland provides a classroom resource to support the principles he presented in 2017’s Super Spellers – that spelling should not simply be a list of words to know for a test but a learned skill essential to literacy.

Connect ELA Strategies to Life Beyond School

Teacher educator Sean Ruday hopes students will take ownership of ELA concepts like “inference” or “sensory language” if they can make meaningful connections between “school talk” and aspects of their out-of-school lives. He shares examples from his own research.

A Comprehensive Look at Responsive Literacy

Responsive Literacy’s 400 pages are well worth the read, writes Linda Biondi. Each of the contributing teacher educators present a theoretical framework and practical tools to apply in the classroom and guidance on how to help young students develop a love of literacy. Five stars.

Turn Your Class Library into a Cozy ‘Bookstore’

Responding to the current dust-up on leveling books, literacy consultant Patty McGee explores a few common questions about cultivating a responsive class library and shares some great ways to immerse your students in a “bookstore” experience, as both customers and staff!

Feedback That Saves Time, Improves Writing

Grading student writing in the traditional manner takes too much time and yields too little learning. Literacy consultant Sarah Tantillo offers three better ways to give students effective feedback – with all the tips and how-to teachers need to make the switch. Act now. Save your weekends.

Maximize the Leadership of School Librarians

With commitment and hard work, school librarians can become indispensable to school success, writes Judi Moreillon. Through their support for community building, PD, inquiry learning, digital resources and more, librarians can be a vital part of leadership teams.