Tagged: math problems

Engage All Students with Offbeat Math Problems

“Try It! Math Problems for All” by Jerry Kaplan is just what math teachers want: a collection of offbeat, open-ended problems, riddles and brain teasers to engage the most reluctant student. Math teacher Michael Hernandez can’t wait to lure in his middle schoolers this fall.

Use Kids’ Questions to Launch Math Adventures

Mathematics author and consultant Jerry Burkhart is back with more ways to get students excited about the magic of numbers and ready to become “adventurous learners.” His interactions with a middle grades enrichment class may spark engaging ideas of your own.

Authentic Math Modeling in Middle School

Nancy Butler Wolf addresses how teachers can help middle schoolers solve authentic math problems, stressing rich tasks and converting textbook problems into challenging learning. Maia Fastabend recommends the book to newer teachers and those seeking clarity.