Tagged: math

Moving from the WHAT to the HOW in Math Class

Mona Iehl traces her teaching growth from guiding math students through memorizing procedures to thinking deeply through productive struggle at each stage of problem solving. Over time she developed the Word Problem Workshop model she uses in her classroom and explains here.

ThinkLaw Strategies Can Grow Critical Thinkers

Find out how adopting a lawyer mindset can help all students develop critical thinking skills and dispositions in Thinking Like a Lawyer by Colin Seale. NBCT Kim Rensch likes that the book is a quick read and offers reasonable ways to integrate thinking skills with curricula.

Turn Your Math Class into a Math Community

In an authentic math community students understand their ideas are valuable and their participation is necessary to grow the community’s collective understanding. One way to facilitate this, writes author Gina Picha, is by having regular math conferences with your students.

5 Strategies to Support Math Thinking for All

When these five strategies are woven throughout a routine, they work in tandem to keep the focus on mathematical thinking, promote student-to-student discourse, and create multi-modal processing opportunities for those with learning disabilities, Kelemanik and Lucenta write.

Lifting My Students Out of the Math Fact Fog

After reflecting on her students’ decline in fluently recalling math facts and the lapses in her teaching flow, Kathie Palmieri knew it was time to make changes. First up: involving students in uncovering the roadblocks and taking a week to try out their fog-lifting ideas.

5 Ideas to Add Comfort and Joy to Math Class

Middle grades math teacher Mona Iehl applies five of author Gholdy Muhammad’s strategies to unearth joy as her students experience the December classroom scramble. Mona suggests activities to help realize each strategy with your students. Try musical math and much more!

How We Pumped Up Our Math Vocabulary Study

While logic and skill are two important elements in advancing math knowledge, students also need to be immersed in the language of math to succeed. Kathleen Palmieri brainstormed with her fifth graders to develop fun strategies that help them understand and apply math terms.

How to Make Math Class Student Centered

Fresh teaching ideas engulf math teachers each fall. Which strategies take priority as we seek to help students have the best year ever? Teacher and coach Mona Iehl recommends three: build classroom community, review and augment resources, and select engaging lesson formats.

Developing the “Why” for Middle Grades Math

Math students in the middle grades want the truth: “Why should math matter to me?” To show them, curriculum leader Christian Polizzi suggests making real-world connections, asking students for examples in their own lives, and having them create “personalized” math problems.