Tagged: media literacy

Media Literacy Moments Throughout Your Day

Concerned by the News Literacy Project’s survey revealing teens’ difficulties in separating fact and fiction, Megan Kelly is finding as many classroom minutes as possible to build her students’ media literacy skills. She shares some quick activities her classes like best.

5 Questions to Help Kids Become Critical Readers

Marilyn Pryle’s five crucial questions help students become critical readers in the Age of Disinformation as they learn to look more deeply into any text, in any form, and see the influences around it, the voices and sponsors, the craft and rhetoric, the intent and message.

Broaden Close Reading Beyond the Printed Page

Classrooms that teach a broad range of close reading skills are not only rich with texts but host a wide range of types of texts, from traditional to digital to hyperlinked to hybrid, writes ELA teacher Jason DeHart. Critical student thinking needs to occur in all these spaces.

Why We Need to Invite Politics into Classrooms

It’s daunting to invite politics into the classroom. But when we do it right, students can learn to engage meaningfully with people who see the world very differently. Kent Lenci has tips to help the conversations thrive, including developing media literacy and supporting SEL.