Tagged: model

How Teacher Notebooks Can Help Students Learn

When we have students watch us write in our teacher notebooks about what we’re reading, we not only share our expectations for their notebook-keeping, we give them a mental model for writing critically and analytically about what they read, says literacy leader Laura Robb.

Optimize Your Teaching with the FRAME Model

Peg Grafwallner’s Ready to Learn is packed with ah-ha moments and resources to help any teacher up their game using FRAME: Focus, Reach, Ask, Model, and Encourage. Rita Platt feels the common sense approach to framing lessons will build student buy-in and deepen learning.

Effective 5- to 7-Minute Reading Conferences

To ensure all your students benefit from frequent reading conferences, it’s important to keep them short, focused and effective. Author and literacy consultant Jen Serravallo shares 7 tips for being efficient with your time without sacrificing impact or feeling rushed.

A PD Pathway That Elevates Teacher Voice

Personalized Professional Learning: A Job-Embedded Pathway for Elevating Teacher Voice is a must read for school leaders especially but also for anyone who plans and facilitates professional learning, writes Amy Whitehead, a member of her district’s PD facilitation team.

Here’s How to Keep a STEM Lesson on Track

How can teachers help students become deep thinkers and creative problem solvers – skills needed to solve the pressing challenges facing global societies? STEM provides a pathway. Expert Anne Jolly poses 11 questions that can help teachers design effective STEM lessons.