Tagged: motivation

101 Tips for New Teachers and Veterans

In the 3rd edition of “101 Answers for New Teachers and Their Mentors,” Annette Breaux adds ideas for using tech in lessons, connecting via social media, and reflecting regularly. “Practical and easy to use” by all teachers, says PD consultant Anne Anderson.

Do We Really Have High Expectations for All?

When it comes to high expectations, learning consultant Barbara Blackburn says actions speak louder than beliefs. Using her own classroom mistakes as a backdrop, she points out the teacher behaviors that signal struggling learners whether we mean what we say.

On the Fast Road to Academic Success

Among the elements of Suzy Pepper Rollins’ Learning in the Fast Lane that reviewer Carolyn Miller liked best were her references to recent research, her fresh suggestions for making formative assessments, and her close look at student motivation. And there’s lots more to try out!

A New Way to Think about Student Motivation

The new book Motivation to Learn doesn’t just talk about the theories behind motivating learners. Using a fresh metaphor (river rafting), it gives new & veteran teachers “concrete strategies for creating a classroom culture that maximizes student engagement,” says reviewer Tasha Kirby.

Have Some Serious Fun in Your Classroom

Loaded with ideas for blending fun and joy into the serious business of learning, the new book Serious Fun: Practical Strategies to Motivate and Engage Students is easy to read and ready to use in the classroom, says reviewer Laura Von Staden.

Empowering Self-Driven Learners

In her review of Larry Ferlazzo’s Self-Driven Learning: Teaching Strategies for Student Motivation, Julie Dermody says, “Educators who read this book will become more effective teachers…better equipped to deal with daily challenges of motivating our students.”

Belonging in the Middle Grades

When students feel they “belong” in school, they are more likely to thrive academically, socially & emotionally, says veteran teacher turned teacher educator Amanda Wall. She details actions that middle level schools can take to assure students are supported, including quality Advisory programs.

What Makes Kids Tick & Learn

Debbie Silver’s gift in Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8: Teaching Kids to Succeed, says reviewer Julie Dermody, is not just informing readers about motivational research, but bringing all the research together for classroom use.