Tagged: new teachers

Learning the Secrets of Good Class Discussions

One area of Matt Smith’s teaching “that has improved tremendously since my novice days” is facilitating productive discussions. Students need to engage in active talk to process complex ideas. This won’t happen until teachers master “wait time” and stop affirming too much.

A Helpful Field Guide for Beginning Teachers

Tina H. Boogren takes beginning teachers in their first years through the phases they can expect: anticipation, survival, disillusionment, rejuvenation, and reflection. Teacher educator Linda Biondi finds Boogren’s recollections of her novice teaching particularly helpful.

New Teachers: 3 Tools Help Manage Learning

As new teachers develop routines for their classrooms, Class Tech Tips founder Monica Burns says it’s important to plan how they will check for understanding each day to gather information and inform future instruction. She shares three simple class assessment tools.

How We Become Skillful Math Teachers

Tracy Zager’s professor told students it would take five years to become a skillful math teacher. In this message to beginning educators, Zager shares insights that can help push the process. Most important: “Become addicted to listening to students’ mathematical ideas.”

A 90-Day Plan for Coaching New Teachers

Bambrick-Santoyo’s Get Better Faster offers a convincing argument and a comprehensive program for developing new teachers. Retired principal and teacher educator Mary Langer Thompson finds the 90-day plan sensible, fast paced, demanding, and dense with resources.

Called to the Middle: A Principal’s View

Called to the Middle is a primer for anyone considering the challenges of middle level teaching. Veteran MS educator Linda Mancia says Joey Eidson’s commitment to adolescent education comes through his relaxed writing style but notes some editorial shortcomings.

How to Reach & Teach Students with Autism

Barbara Boroson offers a useful, comprehensive, summative guide providing positive and proactive strategies to educators who are not familiar with or may not be comfortable yet working with students on the autism spectrum, says SpEd veteran Carrielynnn O”Reilly.