Tagged: poetry

How Playing with Stories Helps Us Learn

Playing with Stories is THE book for those in love with stories and those who believe that we “think in story,” says reviewer, poet and retired principal Mary Langer Thompson. Author Kevin Cordi shares strategies for building stories solo, with a partner or within small groups.

Teacher as Writer: Taking a Poem for a Walk

Kevin Hodgson brings his ramble through Maine marshlands to his sixth graders as they write poetry together. From rough drafting in class to experimenting with bringing his poem alive using digital tools, he shares the process with his students and with us!

59 Reasons: A Guide for Teachers Who Write

In “59 Reasons to Write” Kate Messner shifts from teaching writers workshop and writing books for tweens to helping teachers build their own writing skills, assisted by more than 30 published authors. Reviewer Wendy Moore plans to try out their strategies.

A No-Angst Approach to Teaching Poetry

Teachers who want to combine deep reading of poetry with the joy of discovery will find engaging lessons and activities in Georgia Heard’s Poetry Lessons to Meet the Common Core. Reviewer Linda Biondi praises the book’s strategies to “live with a poem for a week.”

Poetry Made Delicious for You and Your Students

Shirley McPhillips’ Poem Central invites students to move through poetry that we might not know exactly how to teach and to live with those words on their own terms – not needing us to facilitate all meaning and experience for them, says Jenni Miller.

Poems To Sustain Our Teaching Hearts

The end of the school year has been difficult for Kevin Hodgson, as his 6th graders begin to abandon their collaborative community, looking ahead to summer and secondary school. He finds sustenance in a new book of poetry and teacher reflection.

Students Illuminate Their Ideas with Paper Circuitry

When sixth grade ELA teacher Kevin Hodgson’s students were asked to help pilot new paper circuitry learning tools developed at the MIT Media Lab, they chose to illuminate haiku poems about light. The technology draws on the work of Jie Qi, a mechanical engineer and MIT doctoral student known for her work with electrified paper.

Student-Driven Classrooms: Keeping the Faith

In a 7th grade classroom where students are used to sharing ownership and know how to think on their feet, what does the teacher do when he asks a question and there’s absolute silence? Bill Ivey’s solution: Smile at all the parents in the room and trust the kids.

Making Room for Poetry in Standards-Based Classes

How often do you share poetry with students? Reading interventionist and literacy coach Gwen Flaskamp shows how increasing students’ experience with poetry can build literacy, analytical and social-emotional skills and help meet Common Core standards.