Tagged: Reading

Can Technology Help with Group Reading?

Former middle grades teacher Daniel Fountenberry says his experiences struggling to organize group reading sessions among students with varied reading skills led him to develop adaptive technology that tailors the “same” book to different readers.

Using Drama Techniques to Deepen Comprehension

In the 2nd edition of Deepening Comprehension with Action Strategies, Jeff Wilhelm offers theory-based drama techniques that can be used before, during, and after reading to deepen comprehension of fiction and nonfiction content, says reviewer Allyn Hunt.

Skimming: The Overlooked Close Reading Skill

Although skimming might seem to be the opposite of close reading, it is a crucial Common Core skill for pulling information out of a text – and one that’s often overlooked by teachers, says consultant Sarah Tantillo, author of The Literacy Cookbook.

Let Them Read Whole Novels!

Ariel Sacks says that by teaching novels “whole” she has been able to ignite interest in books, deepen discussions & improve reading comprehension. In this informative article, Sacks shares her rationale, her method, and reactions from her middle school students.

The Brain-Literacy Connection

In Wiring the Brain for Reading: Brain-Based Strategies for Teaching Literacy author Marilee Sprenger covers familiar territory as she links recent research to teaching literacy, says reviewer Julie Dermody.

Join Global Read Aloud

Each fall students involved in the Global Read Aloud listen to a book and talk about it with kids around the world. Teacher/creator Pernille Ripp tells how to join in.