Tagged: Routledge

All You Need to Get Students Writing Daily

No matter your content area or whether your students are in special ed, AP, or ELL classes, Mary Tedrow’s Write Think Learn can help you implement a daily writing program. A “must read” says consultant Anne Anderson and a rich source of practical ideas and activities.

Teaching Current Events in the History Classroom

Sarah Cooper’s Creating Citizens is brimming with insight on how to connect current events to history, writes social studies teacher Joanne Bell. Cooper offers fresh ideas, higher order skills, and excellent implementation tips, all applicable to any period of history.

Using Math Workstations for Engaged Learning

Rebecca Crockett’s one-size-fits-all math station rotations weren’t meeting the needs of all her students. In Math Workstations in Action she found a clear explanation and a set of steps to organize workstations around needed fluencies and to gauge student progress.

The Art of Reaching and Engaging Every Reader

Igniting passion in someone, especially an adolescent, is no small task. Throughout Passionate Readers Pernille Ripp takes on the task of describing how we might create conditions in which students feel a deep interest and desire to read, writes educator Claire Stein.

Creating Citizens in the History Classroom

Sarah Cooper’s Creating Citizens will ignite a passion for discovery, challenge students to seek information from wide ranging sources, and help them apply their learning and form their own opinions about history, civics and current events, writes Linda Biondi.

Creating New Scientists: Teaching with the NGSS

In Creating Scientists Christopher Moore helps readers better understand the reasoning behind the NGSS and how to implement the standards in classrooms. If teachers focus lessons with his goals in mind, says science educator Joyce Depenbusch, students will benefit.

A Treasure Trove of Co-Teaching Strategies

In the 100+ pages of Two Teachers in the Room, Elizabeth Stein provides a treasure trove of strategies, tips and ideas not only for co-teaching, but also for creating a student-centered learning environment in every classroom, says ESE leader Laura Von Staden.

The Essentials for Co-Teaching Success

Two Teachers in the Room by Elizabeth Stein explores how co-teachers can work together as effective partners to best serve all their students. Elizabeth OBrien recommends the book for people new to co-teaching and as a key resource in professional development settings.