Tagged: Routledge

A Leader’s Guide to Formative Assessment

The authors’ step-by-step formative assessment approach, along with a wealth of detailed resources, gives teachers and administrators the tools to implement a system of shared assessments with the power to transform a school. Erik Kreutner has just one reservation.

Join the Whitakers for Your First Year

A few months into your first year teaching and ready for on-point advice? Todd, Katherine and Madeline Whitaker’s common-sense advice in Your First Year can both inspire you and help keep you on the right track. Linda Biondi thinks veterans will find it useful too.

How to Mentor Students More Effectively

Russ Olwell’s book Mentoring is a Verb is a useful resource for educators involved in mentor/mentee roles, says Nicolette Lesniak, who mentors at-risk students. She finds the WOOP framework and other strategies recommended by Olwell easy to implement and adapt.

Help Kids Thrive in a Screen-Filled World

Screenwise by Devorah Heitner is a book for both educators and parents that adopts “a gloriously positive attitude” about adults’ ability to learn and model wise use of the digital tools that engage people of all ages today. Teacher-author Heather Wolpert-Gawron finds lots of wisdom and lots to use.

An Easy-to-Access Guide to Instruction

With short chapters, graphic organizers, rubrics and acronyms, the strategies in Barbara Blackburn’s updated Classroom Instruction for A to Z are right at the fingertips of busy teachers, ready for trial runs or implementation, says educator Laura Von Staden.

A Must-Have Resource for Integrating STEM

In addition to its value to schools and districts, STEM by Design will help classroom teachers make integrated STEM lessons a reality. Its step-by-step approach leaps beyond mere discussion to a real plan of action, says state science coordinator Kathy Renfrew.

Warm Ways to Deepen Historical Thinking

On each page of History Class Revisited, teacher Jody Passanisi reveals a deep knowledge of middle school minds and hearts and offers many engaging strategies to help students on the way from literal to critical thinking about history, says reviewer Sarah Cooper.

Guiding Student Passion, Wonder & Inquiry

The Genius Hour Guidebook by Denise Krebs & Gallit Zvi provides a practical guide for teachers who want to encourage students to pursue their passionate interests and expand their 21st century skill set. Reviewer Laura Von Staden also recommends the companion website.

Performance Tasks and Rubrics for MS Math

Why should we use performance tasks in math class? How do we adapt them for formative or summative assessment? How do we create effective rubrics? The authors provide answers in a step-by-step guide featuring many examples, says veteran math teacher Jan Roberts.