Tagged: science

Develop Habits of Mind in Young Scientists

Thinking Like a Scientist provides strategies to encourage students to explore and understand how scientists approach problems, investigations and research. The detailed lessons can be used in grades 5-8, writes educator and former research scientist Laura Von Staden.

Bringing Rigor and Engagement to Math and Science Classes

Authors Barbara Blackburn and Abbigail Armstrong give teachers a practical yet powerful classroom instructional tool for bringing rigor to Grades 6-12 math and science classrooms. Science educator Jennifer Sexton shares favorite strategies that will improve her practice.

10 Model Lessons for Inquiry-based Science

As models for inquiry-based education, the book’s science activities offer strategies, tools, and procedures for designing and implementing lessons. Teacher Jeny Randall finds the book has changed the way she teaches science, despite some layout and standards glitches.

Microprocessing Fun in Middle School Science

Museum educator Christa Flores shares a summer STEM partnership that introduced middle schoolers to programmable microprocessors that can perform a variety of lab-oriented tasks. Flores, a former MS teacher, says it’s time to include computer skills in science classrooms.

Hands-On Engineering: Real-World Projects

With its introduction to engineering design, thoroughly developed projects, teacher’s guide and more, Hands-On Engineering will likely prove a favorite with middle grades teachers. Gail Morris plans to make it a go-to resource as she integrates more STEM into her business and career classes.

Ideas to Integrate Poetry Throughout the Year

Megan Kelly always intends to integrate poetry across her units, but somehow ends up scrambling each year as National Poetry Month approaches. This fall she has a list of activities to hold herself accountable. Try some of her ideas in your own ELA, history, science or math classes.

STEAMy Thoughts on Blending STEM and Art

Blending in the arts is not predestined to create a failure of STEM goals, writes noted STEM author and educator Carolyn DeCristofano, who offers four reasons to consider adopting a well-designed STEAM program that protects the integrity of both STEM and arts education.

Teach Climate Change Through Positive Action

Middle school science educator and Albert Einstein Distinguished Education Fellow Joshua Sneideman and energy education specialist Erin Twamley share seven ways that teachers and schools can involve students in climate change studies. Included: Project ideas.

Creating New Scientists: Teaching with the NGSS

In Creating Scientists Christopher Moore helps readers better understand the reasoning behind the NGSS and how to implement the standards in classrooms. If teachers focus lessons with his goals in mind, says science educator Joyce Depenbusch, students will benefit.