Tagged: science

A Guide to Science Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

The Essentials of Science, Grades 7–12: Effective Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, by Rick Allen, is a great reference to use when preparing to teach a new unit or reflecting on a lesson recently taught, says reviewer Deborah Gaff, who likes Allen’s inquiry focus.

Negotiating Science through Writing

In this thought-provoking book, the teacher-authors’ Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) strategy goes beyond the argumentation of the subtitle, says reviewer and science teacher Tracey Muise, modeling how learning can be driven by student inquiry.

Teaching in High Gear: The Classroom Coach

In her new book Teaching in High Gear, middle school teacher Marsha Ratzel describes a transformational journey, marked by a gradual shift toward student-driven learning and energized by a global network of collaborators. In this excerpt, Marsha describes how her development of a “coaching mode” helped students become more self-reliant learners.

The Why and How of STEM

How to turn science, tech, engineering & math into problem- & project-based activities that simulate real-world R&D? Find the basics & the practice here.