Tagged: social studies

ELA & SS: Differentiating Formative Assessment

Sheryn Spencer Waterman shows the way to make the evaluation as well as the curriculum fit the learner. Middle school teacher Joanne Bell finds the author’s fully developed discussion of differentiated formative assessments helpful for social studies and English.

Mock Trials Enliven Social Studies and ELA

Mock trials can bring project-based learning alive in English and social studies classes. In Judging for Themselves, David Sherrin provides everything teachers will need to put Galileo, Tom Robinson and others on trial, says social studies teacher Joanne Bell.

Texts and Lessons for Content Area Writing

Content area teachers can access easy-to-use lessons and mentor texts to strengthen students’ writing in Nancy Steineke and Harvey “Smokey” Daniels’ resource book. Teacher Linda Biondi describes the detailed, teacher-friendly format for lessons lasting 10 to 40 minutes.

How Do We Integrate STEM Across Subjects?

Some schools are putting all subjects under a big STEM tent. Can they stay true to STEM’s engineering focus? Anne Jolly talks to schoolwide-STEM expert Judy Duke, who points to History class. Teachers writing lessons should always ask: “What problems needed to be solved?”