Tagged: stem lessons

New to STEM Teaching? Five Things to Do First.

Whether you’re a recent teacher ed graduate, newly emergency certified, or an experienced teacher who’s suddenly learned you’ll be teaching STEM this year, you’re in good hands with veteran STEM teacher and curriculum designer Anne Jolly. Here are her five “do this first” tips.

A Summer’s Worth of STEM PD/Prep Ideas!

As you relax into summer break, keep an eye on what’s up with STEM learning. Expert Anne Jolly shares resources for keeping up with STEM news and lesson ideas as you reflect on what worked (and didn’t) last year and consider how to amp things up for next fall’s students.

Design Squad Global’s Super STEM Resources

STEM curriculum expert Anne Jolly shares her enthusiasm for the free teaching resources available through the PBS platform Design Squad Global. Jolly highlights the engineering-oriented lessons and DSG’s new Global Clubs that involve kids in Inventing for a Sustainable Future.

How to Make or Find Good STEM Lessons

What STEM lessons will you try with students this year? There’s no one, die-cut STEM curriculum that every classroom should be using, says Anne Jolly. But as teachers search for, adapt, or design projects, it helps to consider what an “ideal” STEM lesson might look like.

Here’s How to Keep a STEM Lesson on Track

How can teachers help students become deep thinkers and creative problem solvers – skills needed to solve the pressing challenges facing global societies? STEM provides a pathway. Expert Anne Jolly poses 11 questions that can help teachers design effective STEM lessons.

A School Resource for STEM, Science & Making

Why use a PBL approach when designing STEM lessons and programs? The answer may be obvious to PBL champions but for the rest of us, Christa Flores’ exploration of science and STEM teaching in a “making” classroom is a valuable resource, says STEM expert Anne Jolly.

Combine Maker Activities and STEM Lessons

Hands-on teaching has always involved kids in “making.” But today’s focus on maker spaces is pushing making to a whole new level, nurturing students’ curiosity and creativity. Anne Jolly shows how combining maker activities and STEM lessons can boost learning.

STEM Face Off: Which Lesson Makes the Grade?

What makes a lesson or unit STEM-worthy? Expert Anne Jolly evaluates two actual lessons that have been given the STEM label. Each incorporates science, math, group work and technology, but one fails the ultimate STEM test. She details the reasons why in this insightful article.