Tagged: STEM

Before You Lead That STEM Lesson…

The new school year is on the horizon and STEM teachers are going to be caught up in the whirlwind of preparation before Day One. As you prepare to engage students in exciting STEM lessons, Anne Jolly offers 5 lesson principles to keep in the forefront.

STEM Programs Must Not Leave Math Behind!

Guest expert Dr. Susan Pruet stresses the need to stretch beyond simple arithmetic to incorporate more challenging math content in STEM lessons. Pruet also cites the supports middle grades math teachers will need to spark student engagement in STEM careers.

How to Energize a Weak STEM Lesson

Lots of lessons you find on the Internet don’t meet the minimum criteria for a good STEM learning experience. In her latest STEM By Design post, expert Anne Jolly explains how to take a potential STEM lesson and boost its power. Lesson sources included!

STEM Face Off: Which Lesson Makes the Grade?

What makes a lesson or unit STEM-worthy? Expert Anne Jolly evaluates two actual lessons that have been given the STEM label. Each incorporates science, math, group work and technology, but one fails the ultimate STEM test. She details the reasons why in this insightful article.

STEM 2015: Are We Losing Our Focus?

Will 2015 be the year when we decide what STEM programs should and shouldn’t be? STEM consultant Anne Jolly peruses the field of current middle school programs and compares the many permutations to STEM criteria defined by the initiative’s originators.

Fireside Reads: 20 Favorite MiddleWeb Posts

With the winter “read by the fire” season in full force, we offer a selection of 20 MiddleWeb posts that have garnered thousands of views apiece. They represent the wisdom & expertise of middle grades educators with a wide range of teaching experiences.

A Celebration of Teachers

In a season filled with celebrations, MiddleWeb celebrates teachers by sharing some insights into the teaching life, offered by our bloggers and guest writers. We begin with the wonderful 2014 book, Teaching with Heart.

The Tug of War Over STEM vs. STEAM

The curriculum tug of war between proponents of STEM programs and those who advocate for STEAM is in full force. Whichever side you may be pulling for, Anne Jolly has some facts, insights and questions that can help determine which way we should go.