Tagged: stress

Survey: What Kids Said about Remote Learning

Responding to a survey by Rita Platt, middle graders reveal what worked and what didn’t for them during their spring of virtual learning: more freedom and free time warred with tech glitches, months without friends, and less time with teachers. Rita shares some things we might do better.

Teachers Reflect on the Pandemic School Year

After weeks of deciphering digital teaching and supporting students in new ways, educators are reflecting on their changed worlds. Principal Rita Platt reached out to collect some of their thoughts on the challenges, the silver linings, and their concerns about public education’s future.

Use Some Time During Summer Break To Heal

Instead of using summer to squeeze in back-to-back PD or obsessively plan for the coming year, teachers can benefit by devoting some time to restore our energy and renew our sense of self. Author and educator Debbie Silver offers some wise guidance to get us started.

First Aid for Teacher Burnout: A Must-Read

Jenny Grant Rankin’s First Aid for Teacher Burnout: How You Can Find Peace and Success is the perfect salve for the tired teacher’s soul. This short book is packed full of great ideas to relieve, rejuvenate, and energize, says teacher-librarian Rita Platt.

Zen Teaching: Create Focus and Simplicity

In The Zen Teacher Dan Tricarico helps teachers move from a frazzled, overwhelmed existence as “the living dead” to focus on the moment, allowing us to free our creativity and be better educators. Stressed teacher Laura Von Staden found the book very helpful.