Tagged: student-centered

How We Can Become Better Writing Teachers

Anderson and Glover have authored a helpful, easy-to-follow book, writes veteran teacher Elisa Waingort-Jiménez. Their eight strategies center on specific craft and genre moves that will help teachers become better writers as they help students develop their own skills.

Math Facts Fluency Fun to Round Out the Year

Teacher and coach Mona Iehl loves ending the school year with a choice-driven math fact fluency challenge. Students solidify their fluency before the next grade while also engaging in a fun initiative. Discover her simple 4-step process and check out the resources she shares.

15 Ways to Teach and Learn with Sticky Notes

“In my classroom, sticky notes earn top honors for Best Multipurpose Teaching Tool,” writes literacy teacher Kelly Owens. She displays 15 ways to use the tacky squares to chunk large tasks into manageable clusters and empower students to contemplate, coordinate, and connect.

How We Use Book Clubs to Empower Our Readers

Working together in small groups using a book club model has helped sixth graders in Sara Kugler’s K-6 school shift from passive and disinterested to engaged and self-reliant. They’re eager to read and ready to “talk books,” writes the literacy coach and co-teacher.

Reassuring Routines Build Student Confidence

Unexpected events in classrooms steal precious teaching time and lead to frustrated students and teachers. Expected routines provide comfort and familiarity so students can focus on the challenges of learning new things. Teacher Kelly Owens shares her routine-building strategies.

The Ditmas 9/11 Project Rejects “Learning Loss”

Middle school educators at Brooklyn’s Ditmar IS 62 chose to overcome “learning loss” by engaging their sixth, seventh and eighth graders in a long-range project documenting the tragic story of 9/11 through research, oral family and community history and literacy activities.

A Master Class in How to Teach K-8 Math

This is not a casual, read-in-an-afternoon book. It is more like a math master class filled with ways to deepen students’ understanding through a problem-solving approach. Veteran math teacher Michael Hernandez highly recommends its tools and models from start to finish.

Use 6 Leadership Pillars to Empower Teachers

Middle school principal Evan Robb’s Six Pillars of Leadership work in concert to form a solid and lasting foundation for shared decision making. The result: a student-centered culture that values collective vision, empowerment, risk-taking, kindness, trust, equity and more.