Tagged: Teacher Recharge

Energize Your Teaching by Reframing Perspective

By developing the skill of reframing, teachers can navigate challenges with greater ease, foster a more positive mindset, and build resilience that benefits us and our students. Tools for changing our perspective include pausing, pondering, and persisting, writes Julie Hasson.

The Recharging Power of Relationships

Educators tend to think of building strong relationships as something we do to impact others, but we are also helping ourselves. Taking into account the challenges of relationships, Julie Schmidt Hasson looks into how connections with adults and students help us grow stronger.

Expanding Our Teacher “Zone of Tolerance”

When you operate within your zone of tolerance, you are better able to manage the complex interplay of student needs, teaching demands, and life beyond the classroom. By staying in and expanding your zone, you can grow stronger and keep making an impact, writes Julie Hasson.

Keeping Your Teacher Battery Charged Daily

Effectively managing resilience has never been more important for educators. In the first of her five-part series, teacher educator Julie Schmidt Hasson shares what she has learned about the need to manage our educator batteries and sets the stage for a battery management plan.