Tagged: UDL

Humanizing Inclusive Classroom Management

When teachers create a welcoming, safe, inclusive learning environment with their students, the chances increase that students will have a sense of belonging and “calm increase,” freeing them to learn. NBCT Elizabeth Stein shares ways to use restorative practices and UDL.

Try This UDL Higher Order Thinking Strategy

Teachers Samantha Layne and Susanne Croasdaile introduce a new UDL-friendly tool to promote higher thinking, using a model-building strategy. TPRY helps students break down visual content, analyze it, and even build their own visual texts. See a food web modeling example.

A UDL Strategy to Help Students Communicate

The negative tone and unkind remarks adolescents use with one another make it tough to develop a classroom sense of community. They won’t learn to communicate appropriately without explicit instruction, write Samantha Layne and Susanne Croasdaile. Learn how UDL strategies help.

Rewiring Student Brains for Class Discussions

Many teachers are intrigued by the Socratic method but worry “it won’t work with my students.” A Socratic seminar calls on ALL the big executive skills. Patricia Cook and Susanne Croasdaile found that we don’t need to wait until they’re all “ready” – we can just dive in! 

Tools to Help Students Lessen Memory Overload

With so many daily classes, the working memories of adolescents get overloaded. Their evolving brains have not yet developed fluent coping strategies. To teach students to handle all the inflow, two experts share UDL strategies that build executive function and self-regulation.

How UDL Can Help Us Elevate Our CoTeaching

The reality of teaching in a co-teacher role was sometimes a rough ride, writes author and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein. Three things helped keep her strong, and one of them proved to be the key to solving all her co-teaching puzzles: the Universal Design for Learning.

How a Spoonful of Sugar Helped Our Book Study

6th grade teacher Amanda Xavier was skeptical when colleague Rose Reissman suggested a Mary Poppins book study, but their multimedia approach was a hit. “If a very old fashioned nanny can bring smiles and make modern kids sit up in class and take note, I say, ‘Cheerio’!”

Inclusion and Autism Spectrum Disorder

With recent studies showing a marked increase in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, teacher Joanne Bell finds Inclusion and Autism Spectrum Disorder a helpful resource for understanding ASD and for finding effective strategies to support students.