Tagged: vocabulary

Bring Word Nerdiness to the Middle Level

A multitude of authentic classroom examples and strategies make “Vocabularians” a must-have book, says ELA teacher and word nerd Amber Chandler. Author Brenda Overturf also provides realistic ways to bring schoolwide vocabulary immersion to the middle grades.

☆ Teacher Favorites: 20 MiddleWeb ELA Articles

Each of these 20 English Language Arts-oriented articles (dating back to 2012) has enjoyed thousands of reads since it was first published at MiddleWeb. From closer reading to better writing, we hope you find some helpful ideas and inspiration for the new school year!

Vocab: How to Rock Greek & Latin Roots

When you think of Greek and Latin roots, you think high student engagement, right? No? ELA teacher Amber Chandler plans to make all those old roots rock this fall as she introduces the concepts of language development and acquisition to her students.

Vocabulary Lessons to Boost Comprehension

Novice and veteran teachers who are looking for real text for students to read to build vocabulary and understanding will find fully developed, brief daily lessons in Laura Robb’s book. Reviewer Cindi Syverson also recommends the quality online resources.

Good Tools for Analyzing Fiction and Nonfiction

Stressing the need to provide wide fiction and informational text choices, the authors consider the needs of all readers while offering extensive activities for all classrooms. Reviewer Jenni Miller found the book “wonderful” – both informative and encouraging.

Math Lesson Starters to Use Right Now

Ready for fresh math bellringers? Reviewer Lynne Menechella highly recommends Math Lesson Starters for the Common Core. Arranged by CCSS-M domains, the compact book “does a wonderful job of providing ready-to-use problems that work as formative assessment.”

Making Room for Poetry in Standards-Based Classes

How often do you share poetry with students? Reading interventionist and literacy coach Gwen Flaskamp shows how increasing students’ experience with poetry can build literacy, analytical and social-emotional skills and help meet Common Core standards.