Tagged: Wiley

Leadership Strategies That Get Results

In High-Payoff Strategies, Jody Spiro promises a toolkit of strategies and templates for school leaders to facilitate change. Principal Matt Renwick says Spiro tackles too many agendas in the brief book but thinks readers can pull out some useful ideas, including a culture scan.

“The Together Leader” Gets a Real Road Test

Veteran principal Matt Renwick discovers it’s not too late to become a more organized and effective school leader as he gives the step-by-step advice in Maia Heyck-Merlin’s “The Together Leader: Get Organized for Your Success and Sanity!” a real road test.

Willingham: Ideas to Raise Kids Who Read

Both parents and teachers can benefit from reading Daniel Willingham’s thorough exploration of the science of reading and comprehension, gaining insights into what works with different age groups, says middle school educator Michael DiClemente.