Tagged: writing

Good Intro Lessons for Teaching Complex Texts

Nancy Dean’s “Finding Voice” will help teachers in grades 4-6 supplement their studies of complex text using brief, compelling mentor texts as they study word choice, detail, imagery, figurative language and tone. Reviewer Linda Biondi likens it to “a GPS system.”

From Student Apprentice to Published Writer

Reviewer Mary Langer Thompson believes every writing teacher needs Meigs-Kahlenberg’s The Author’s Apprentice, whether to expand their thinking of what writing can be or to put a year’s worth of strategies and ideas into action now. Writing novels with 7th graders?!

Class Podcasts: Listening to Student Writers

Last year 8th grade teacher Brian Kelley began podcasting conversations with his student writers. Through conferring, he says, teachers let adolescents know that their voices matter “and their explanations can make us better teachers.” Kelley shares three samples.

Writing Personal Memoir with Tweens & Teens

In his guide to writing memoir with adolescents, Jake Wizner shares what he has learned as a writer teaching writers: how to balance honesty and discretion in student writing and how to reach writers of all levels. Fellow 8th grade teacher Brian Kelley loves it.

Warm Ways to Deepen Historical Thinking

On each page of History Class Revisited, teacher Jody Passanisi reveals a deep knowledge of middle school minds and hearts and offers many engaging strategies to help students on the way from literal to critical thinking about history, says reviewer Sarah Cooper.

Design Thinking in the History Classroom

Can history teachers apply Design Thinking ideas to a subject often taught as a progression of facts? Jody Passanisi thinks so. “What could be more relevant than looking for solutions to challenges that were created in the past and are still having impact today?”

A Superior Guide to Project Based Learning

Each unit of Heather Wolpert-Gawron’s latest Project Based Learning book is filled with innovative ideas and detailed steps to implement rich PBL units. Sandy Wisneski, lead teacher in a PBL school, says the book’s guides and resources will engage students.