Tagged: writing

Writing Teachers Are Coaches, Not Umpires

Umpires focus on the correctness of the game. Coaches concentrate on the growth of their players. Teacher Courtney Rejent and consultant Patty McGee show how to shift the focus from correcting writing to helping students develop good writing strategies through coaching.

Teaching English in the Middle School Years

Anna J. Small Roseboro offers educators a trio of books filled with an assortment of reading and writing strategies for teaching middle school students. Both veteran and beginning teachers will find any of these titles useful, writes education consultant Anne Anderson.

5 Surefire Ways to Get Students to Talk in Class

Giving students tools to slice into a text and formulate specific thoughts backed with evidence has transformed NBCT Marilyn Pryle’s classroom discussions. “Instead of tentative guesses from a few, we now have detailed conversations that draw the whole class in.”

Connect ELA Strategies to Life Beyond School

Teacher educator Sean Ruday hopes students will take ownership of ELA concepts like “inference” or “sensory language” if they can make meaningful connections between “school talk” and aspects of their out-of-school lives. He shares examples from his own research.

How a Tiny Spark Can Ignite Student Writing

K-6 literacy coach and NBCT Paula Bourque brings an extra spark to quick-write activities, expanding the concept to include brief low-pressure assignments designed to ignite passion, creativity, and awareness in students and encourage them to become lifelong writers.

Tapping the Power of Daily Student Writing

Write Think Learn is an easy read for busy educators, challenges teachers and students to examine their attitudes about writing, gives readers a purpose and a desire to write, and will be a go-to reference throughout the school year, says teacher educator Linda Biondi.

Frameworks Jump-Start Your Students’ Writing

Students can become thriving writers using the 27 frameworks included in this book. The lessons provide learning about language, learning through language, and using language to learn about self. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton highly recommends the “so, so practical” book.

Help Students Explain Their Ideas in Writing

Recently Sarah Tantillo worked with 8th grade teacher Bianca Licata to analyze students’ difficulty in effectively explaining how evidence supports arguments in their writing. After they identified causes and potential solutions, Licata tested their ideas in class.

A Comprehensive Look at Responsive Literacy

Responsive Literacy’s 400 pages are well worth the read, writes Linda Biondi. Each of the contributing teacher educators present a theoretical framework and practical tools to apply in the classroom and guidance on how to help young students develop a love of literacy. Five stars.

Teaching Poetry for Social Justice

If every elementary, English and history teacher did even one of the book’s activities each year, our understanding of our students would deepen immeasurably, as would their appreciation of their families and their communities, both local and global, writes Sarah Cooper.